Clara and the Secret of the Bears

Family/Drama, Germany/Switzerland 2013

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13-year-old Clara (Ricarda Zimmerer) moves with her mother to her stepfather in a small mountain village in the Swiss Alps. Clara loves nature and forays through the mountains. She is very close to nature and therefore it bothers her little that the villagers want nothing to do with the family. The sensitive girl also has no friends at school. Only Thomas (Damian Hardung), also a "new kid from town", stands by her. When Clara discovers a small bear one day in a forest meadow, events suddenly come to a head: Could it be a cub of the mother bear Zelda, who was shot by poachers a few years ago? Why is the rumor about the return of the bears spreading like wildfire in the village? Clara suspects that she is on the trail of a huge mystery that reaches far into the past. Together with Thomas, Clara tries to uncover the mysterious village history and gets deeper and deeper into a puzzling adventure.

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Tobias Ineichen


Marian van der Heiden (Children's Book)


Fabian Römer


Simon Hesse

Original title:

Clara und das Geheimnis der Bären

Original language:


Further titles:

Clara und das Geheimnis der Bären - Abenteuer in den Schweizer Bergen


16:9 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 9 years

Age rating:


Audio language:
